Friday, June 22, 2012

Praise for Fish Oils

7 Ways Fish Oils (Omega-3) Help with Metabolic Restoration:

1. They contain insulin-sensitizing effects.
2.They protect our liver from harmful effects of a high-fat diet and improve the insulin sensitivity of liver cells.
3. Stimulate the secretion of leptin - a hormone that decreases our appetite and promot fat burning.
4. Boosts adiponectin- a fat-burning and insulin-sensitizing hormone.
5. Helps us lose fat by activation the fat-burning pathways in our liver and muscle.
6. Encourages the storage of carbohydrates as glycogen rather than fat.
7. They are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

And now you know why I preach Omega-3s!!!!
-Nicole :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Did you know that the food you consume actually changes how your genes are expressed? Every time we eat we tell our bodies which genes to turn on and which genes to turn off. Did you know that there is more gene expression within two hours after eating than any other time of the day? Why? Because food contains gene signaling substances. This is the fascinating world of nutrigenomics, the idea that food is information not merely calories. The Standard American Diet (SAD) turns on genes for heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and more. Even many gluten-free diets fall into this category. I see many people swapping out wheat bread for super refined gluten-free imitations of bread. These breads, as well as many other refined gluten-free foods, are not healthy even though they may come from a health food store. Basing your diet around organic, seasonal vegetables and fruits is a way to prevent disease, reduce allergies and inflammation, and maintain vibrant health.

Friday, January 27, 2012

How to ID GMO Foods at the Supermarket

Here are some simple steps for you to take to the Supermarket with you that will help to enhance your shopping experience, and your life!

1) For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU code on the sticker consists of four numbers.
2) Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9.
3) Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8.

For example:
1) conventionally grown banana would be: 4011
2) An organic banana would be: 94011
3) A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011

These tips are specially important now that over 80% of all processed foods in the US are genetically m odified. Many countries in the European Union have been banning GM products and produce (including Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg).
We say: Eat healthy, buy or grow organic.

why I preache about Chlorella - nature's multivitamin:

Chlorella plays a crucial role in systemic detoxification -- because the majority of toxin removal happens through your stool.

Once the detoxification occurs in your intestines, toxins from other body tissues more readily migrate into your intestines -- where chlorella helps effectively remove them.

Chlorella consists of a fibrous, outer shell (20%) with inner nutrients (80%).

It's this fibrous, tough cell wall which binds with toxins.

In addition, a clean bloodstream with an abundance of red blood cells to carry oxygen is necessary to support your strong natural defense system.

Chlorella's cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, helps promote clean blood. Clean blood helps assure metabolic waste get efficiently carried away from your tissues.

In short, this is what Chlorella can help with:
  1. Help you remove potentially toxic metals from your body

  2. Boost your immune system

  3. Help you digest your food more efficiently

  4. Eliminate bad breath and help freshen your breath at the same time

  5. Energize and reinvigorate your body

Green is Awesome,

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season this "winter."

This season I got a new toy for my kitchen - a food dehydrator... oooOOOOOooo
It has been in full use these past few days, with my experimenting with different apple, zucchini, and kale chip recipes.
I dialed in a AMAZINGLY YUMMY kale chip recipe that i must must must share:

"cheesy" kale chips:

1. soak 1/2 cup raw cashews and 1/2 cup raw shelled sunflower seeds for atleast 2hours (I soak overnight) rinse well.
2. add the following to the blender:

  • the soaked cashews and sunflower seeds
  • the juice of one lemon
  • 4 tbsp apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized, "with the mother")
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 2 tbsp light brown miso paste (the dark is too strong of flavor, and salty!)
  • 1-2 cloves fresh garlic
3. blend all ingredients until smooth
4. rip kale leaves from the spine and then into bite sized pieces
5. massage mixture into kale (use may use less sauce depending on how much kale you have)
6. place on dehydrator sheets
7. dehydrate on 105 for 6-7 hours, or until crispy. for those without a dehydrator, bake on lowest setting until cripsy (not sure of the timing here!)

***this sauce is also delicious as a salad dressing, veggie dip, or even as a spread

Hopefully you find it as tasty as I do!
In Health & Harmony,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Free Preview of "The Greater Good"
A film investigating Vaccinations.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habitso; they become character.
Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny."