A simple test you can do to determine whether you would benefit from a cleansing is to eat a few leaves of a dark, leafy green vegetable such as kale or down a couple of shots of fresh wheatgrass juice. If you can get it down without cringing, then chances are your system is already alkaline. If however, these foods taste horribly bitter and nearly cause a gag reflex, you will certainly benefit from a cleanse.
Start by consuming lots of raw, alkaline forming fruits and vegetables. Eaten on a regular basis, these foods will start the natural transition process away from processed foods that cause the body to become acidic.
At first, however, the body will not naturally crave plant-based foods when it is accustomed to processed and refined foods. You have to simply begin by adding more raw natural plant-based foods to your diet but without subtracting anything. Over time, you will naturally and painlessly have less interest in eating the more processed foods and you will gravitate towards the least processed whole foods. I know this sounds overly simplistic but it is a scientific fact that when the body has all its nutritional needs fulfilled, cravings will dramatically decline.
Happy cleaning!