Some days you wake up just feeling off.... I had one of these mornings. Lack of sunshine? Lack of sleep? Maybe just a minor imbalance in my Qi flow? Who knows...
I get to my office expecting a hard, long day as I take a look at my packed schedule this Friday.
But then I take a step back from it all and take a look at what I'm doing: socializing with these wonderful people I call, "patients," that I am able to help with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Immediately a smile cracks onto my face. I love what I do, and to make things even better I love that patients that I attract into my practice!!! The people I see day-to-day are the most caring, considerate, and open beings.
Thus, my day has turned around. With a smile on, I thank each and every one of you. You are the basis that keeps inspiring me to learn, grow and practice this great art of healing.
Health, Harmony & Hugs,
Remember- "This is all that matters. In this, there is everything."